Windows 7 For Mac Free Trial Download

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Judging from many of the comments, people who have used Windows 7 are saying it's the OS everyone hoped Vista would be. So when I read this week that you can easily setup and run Windows 7 in a virtual environment on an Intel Mac, I had to try it out. I can't advise every Intel Mac user to try this, but if you're an experienced computer user and take care to make sure your current data is backed up beforehand, this method for getting the Windows 7 Release Candidate on your Mac is pretty simple. The best part about it? To get started, download VirtualBox ( or ).

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Among Windows 7's new features are advances in touch and handwriting recognition, support for virtual hard disks, improved performance on multi-core processors, improved boot performance, DirectAccess, and kernel improvements.

What is the latest version of microsoft office for mac? For information about Office 2016 for Mac releases from September onward, see Release notes for Office 2016 for Mac; For information about the features, security updates, and non-security updates that are included in a given release of Office for Mac, see Release notes for Office for Mac.

This free virtual environment from Sun lets you set up a sterile environment to test out questionable apps, experiment with beta programs, and--for our purposes--launch an entirely different operating system. Anyone with VMWare Fusion or Parallels can skip this step; VirtualBox is for people who don't already have a virtual environment. Boot Camp users who install Windows 7 on a partition can launch Windows 7 after a restart, but VirtualBox makes it possible without a restart for free.

Use the dropdown windows to select the correct version of Windows (Credit: CNET) Once VirtualBox is installed, download the. This is a 2.36GB file--so if you're not on a fast connection (and even if you are) you'll probably want to download it over night. You will need a Hotmail account, MSN account, or Windows Live ID to download the file from Microsoft. Launch VirtualBox and create a New Virtual Machine. Name the machine 'Windows 7' or whatever will be recognizable to you. Make sure to set the RAM to 1GB for smoother performance. The rest of the settings you can leave as default.


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Start your new virtual machine, and choose to install Windows from CD/DVD (you're using a CD image of the software which you'll choose by browsing your desktop). In the Media Source section of that same window, choose the Windows 7 image file you downloaded.

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Windows 7 Download For Mac

Select Create new hard disk for your copy of Windows 7 to live in (Credit: CNET) Next, you will go through several installation dialog boxes which should be mostly self explanatory (Install Now, language choice, etc). When the installer asks which type of installation you want, choose Custom (Advanced) because you are installing cleanly on an untouched virtual system. When the next window asks where you would like to install Windows, install it in the default location (which will be your 20GB virtual hard drive). From there, wait through the installation process, choose whatever username you want, and Use Recommended settings to start off. Since this is a free release candidate for testing, you can bypass the registration screen completely by hitting Next. Last, but not least, set the Windows clock to the correct time, choose the type of network your on (if you have a network) and that's it! Windows 7 should start up.