Red Alert 3 For Mac
If you want to play Red Alert 3 on lan but 'accidentaly' installed on both computer with the same cd-key, you might want to change the CD-key on one of the computer. For Windows you can find several applications to change the CD-key, but for Mac you have none. The last Command & Conquer game to appear on the Mac was C&C 3: Tiberium Wars, which EA published directly on the platform in 2007. Unfortunately, the Kane's Wrath expansion pack never appeared.

I have no qualms with the current Cider port of C&C3, it works fine for me. Which is why I want Kanes Wrath. There is no official Macintosh build of Kane's Wrath for sale.
Red Alert 3 For Mac Free Download
Floating around the net there are builds that people have hobbled together the actual PC purchased version into a Cider shell. I'm not interested in this. I want a legit release. The amateur Cider patches seem to work well I've heard. Kane's Wrath was released for Windows on March 24th, 2008. Close to a year ago.
Since then I have periodically emailed EA support asking for a status on a Macintosh version. I've gotten various responses, but at one point I had a discussion with someone who appeared to be higher up on the pole than front line customer support who suggested to me, that while he couldn't give me an official answer, unofficially they probably would not be bringing Kane's Wrath to the Mac for the aforementioned reasons. Coding program for pc and mac. EA has no contract with Transgaming for future titles at this point.
I'm not sure where you heard that EA had a contract with Transgaming requiring them to port more games. Transgaming's licensing is on a per-game basis with the dev/publisher's. Additionally I emailed EA support about the prospect's of Red Alert 3 being released on the Mac.
They again said there are no plans to bring RA3 to the Macintosh platform at this time. Given the information I have, information on the net, and the time since the Windows release of Kane's Wrath I feel it is highly unlikely we will see a Macintosh port of Kane's Wrath or RA3 anytime in the near future. It's my hope that maybe Aspyr or someone will pick up the Macintosh C&C3 contract and release Kane's Wrath. Technically it's not emulation, but it translates the windows API calls to Mac ones. Not to rail on you, just to drop that before one of the WINE IS NOT AN EMULATOR hardkore folk come along. Cider is a wrapper technology provided by Transgaming.
There is no official way for a stand alone user to utilize this technology. Transgaming deals solely with developers/publishers. Unofficially some enterprising users on the interwebz have stripped the Cider wrapper off of current Cider based games (I think Heroes of Might and Magic is a popular one) and then insert Windows versions of game's in the wrapper themselves. Frankly my beef isn't with Cider (though I prefer native ports). Microsoft office 2017 free download full version with product key for mac.
C&C3 runs pretty good on my iMac. My beef is EA isn't releasing an offical Mac version of Kane's Wrath when the 'pirates' have done this months ago. I can 'pirate' a Mac version of Kane's Wrath but I can't actually pay EA for one. That's my big beef.