Can Microsoft Office For Mac Be Installed On Multiple Computers
I've searched a lot for this and not found a clear answer. Basically I'd like to purchase Microsoft Office.
Office 365 Personal subscribers can install Office on multiple PCs/Macs, tablets, and phones, including Windows, iOS, and Android 1, for one user. Office 365 Home subscribers can install Office on Multiple PCs/Macs, tablets, and phones, including Windows, iOS, and Android 1 for up to six users within their household. You can count hybrid Windows devices, such as the Microsoft Surface Pro, as either a. Microsoft Office for Mac Home and Business 2011: The online license agreement states (as it says on the box) that it's for 1 (one) user on 2 (two) Macs. In other words, 1 person can use it on 2 computers, but 2 different people can't use it. Need to resave photo for eras mac. That's a step back from what it used to be in 2008. So Microsoft Office can only be legally installed on one of your computers, unless you have a multiple user license. So yeah, if you're wanting to install it 100% legally you will have to purchase your own key. Best dvd creator for mac 2017.
Download free java for mac. My wife just bought a Macbook Pro, and I only have an old 2003 version on my PC + laptop. Ideally I'd like to purchase Mac Office 2011 for my wife, with a license to use it on both my PC and laptop as Office 2010 AND with the option to upgrade to 2013 on my laptop & PC when it's released. Also, as an option, my wife is a teacher so is there an Academic price available discount somewhere? Is what I want possible? I am pretty desperate, my wife needs to use Mac Office today and so I am under some heavy spousal pressure;) Thanks guys! Hi, Office for Windows, and Office for Mac, are separate products, and they are not bundled together.
There are some academic/educational offers available, there is Office 2010 University (for Windows), and some institutions have student/staff offers available. I think the academic/educational offerings require some kind of verification, and that may not be possible in the timeframe you've been set:( these links should help (USA info/pricing): H&S 2010 $149.99 (up to 3 pc's, transferable, non-commercial use) $99.95 (PKC, single machine, not transferable) Office University requires verification of student status buy Office2010 now, get a free upgrade to Office2013 when it's released: Office for Mac NB: products purchased under PKC terms are usually not transferable from one computer to another computer.

Products purchased under FPP terms are usually transferable from one computer to another computer. (notwithstanding that Windows software can't run on Mac, and vice-versa). Also note that H&S, or academic/university, are for non-commercial use. Don (Please take a moment to 'Vote as Helpful' and/or 'Mark as Answer', where applicable. This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. MS is no longer selling Office 2010 to consumers. It is only selling Office 2013.